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graphic showing the title of the article: "The Growth of Self-Determination in California" on a green background
Education Quality Living
Ability Central •

Born from the desire of disability advocates to implement a more person-centered approach, Self-Determination Programs (SDP) have prospered in the United States. The Self-Determination Program offers a way for disabled individuals to take back their agency and make their own choices with the support of their care team and families.

graphic showing the title of the article: "Person-Centered Planning in the Self-Determination Program" on a green background
Education Quality Living
Ability Central •

The Self-Determination Program (SDP) is an alternative option facilitated by the regional centers for people with disabilities to choose personalized support and care. Disabled individuals use their own voice, take back agency, and decide the direction of their life with support from a team.

graphic showing the title of the article: "Exploring the Self-Determination Program in The United States" on a green background
Education Quality Living
Ability Central •

Born from the desire of disability advocates and community members to create a more person-centered approach, self-determination programs are gaining traction in California. These programs offer a way for disabled community members to take back their agency and make their own choices with the support of their care team and families.