The highlands school is an independent, non-profit harford county school designed to remediate students with learning differences including, reading and math disabilities, speech and language deficiencies, and attention deficit disorders, who have average to above average academic potential, but who are struggling to learn by conventional teaching methods. the children who enroll in our school are not achieving academically at their age level and/or manifest difficulties in one or more areas of skill development, including language, reading and spelling, perceptual motor integration and organization/study skills. it is the highlands school's goal to help each student discover how they learn and bring them up to grade level.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Child (1-12)

Education and Skill Development:

Special Education Services

2409 Creswell Road
Bel Air, MD
Contact Information:

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