Recognizing that all people have dignity and worth, it is the mission of bi-county services, inc. to work with our staff and community members to enable individuals with disabilities to make choices and to live, learn and participate meaningfully in their community. vision statement- provide meaningful services that promote quality of life, increased independence, improved productivity, encourage and support community integration, while acknowledging the value and contributions of all people. the primary purpose of the organization is to provide a full range of services to persons who are developmentally and intellectually disabled. the organization currently provides sheltered employment, transportation, and residential services.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities


Senior (65+)
Transitional Youth (15-26)

Education and Skill Development:

Special Education Services
Workshops & Trainings

Healthcare Services:

Accessibility Services
Preventive Services

Recreation and Sports:

Fitness and Exercise
Indoor Sports
Mind and Body Practices
Outdoor Programs
Outdoor Sports
Recreational Games

Bi-County Services Inc
425 East Harrison Rd
Bluffton, IN
Contact Information:

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