We provide educational, employment, social & recreational opportunities for persons with sensory and/or energetic sensitivities, and learning, emotional and/or developmental disabilities. we approach these individuals as possessing different skills and abilities, and volunteers devote their time and energy in hopes of creating a new paradigm in service provision to them. we hope to blend the best aspects of the non-profit and for-profit sectors to work together in assisting the people we support while providing the public with products and services worthy of their dollar, and seeing everyone profit from their work at the same time.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities

Education and Skill Development:

Workshops & Trainings
Special Education Services

64 North Bridgton Road
Waterford, ME
Contact Information:

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