The center for vision loss' mission is to enable personal triumphs over visual impairments. to advance that mission throughout pennsylvania's lehigh, northampton, and monroe counties, the agency empowers people with visual impairments to claim and maintain their independence and promotes healthy eyesight. its services are delivered at little or no cost and are provided largely to low-income individuals and preschool-aged children. with campuses in the lehigh valley and monroe county, the center for vision loss combines a service tradition inspired directly by helen keller in 1928 with contemporary practices and advanced technologies. it is the only vision service agency in its region, and it is accredited by both the pennsylvania association for the blind and the association for education and rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired (aer).individuals qualify for the agency's vision loss services if they have a maximum acuity of 20/70 or worse or have an equivalent



Education and Skill Development:

Workshops & Trainings
Special Education Services

Visual Disability Type:


845 W Wyoming Street
Allentown, PA
Contact Information:

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