Community based services is a not-for-profit provider agency that offers both habilitative and rehabilitative services to the developmentally disabled under the auspices of the state of new york office for people with developmental disabilities. our mission is to provide a team-oriented plan of care for individuals with developmental disabilities. our strong, compassionate culture and attention to detail ensures that distinctive services are developed according to the specific interests, abilities and desires of each person. we are committed to exceeding expectations in fostering dignified and enriched lives. the following core values reflect what we consider most important in providing service. employee's of community based services are asked to fully participate in upholding these values: the individual's best interest is paramount in all decision-making. we respect and maintain our individual dignity by adhering to the golden rule. we ensure friendly, safe, clean and consistent home

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities


Child (1-12)

Education and Skill Development:

Workshops & Trainings

3 Fields Lane
North Salem, NY
Contact Information:

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