To provide help to persons with disabilities. specifically it's significant activities are: gain access to psychiatric and medication services; referral to a primary care physician for medical services; find a job, vocational services, and state and federal benefit programs; find housing both private and public; get access to probationary, legal and other justice-related services; monitor psychiatric and medical medications & medication management; referral to programs for treatment of substance abuse; regular face-to-face contact for the purpose of assessing or reassessing needs; crisis assessment and intervention, with a case manager available 24/7/365. servicesa are delivered to the mentally ill in their homes, work, the park, the beach, or other community settings.

Auditory Disability Type:


Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)


Child (1-12)
Transitional Youth (15-26)

Education and Skill Development:

Workshops & Trainings
Adult Education

Healthcare Services:

Rehabilitation Services


Residential Care
Housing Counseling and Assistance
Homelessness Prevention and Shelter

Legal Assistance:

Legal Research and Analysis

Visual Disability Type:


1110 University Avenue No 411
Honolulu, HI
Contact Information:

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