Hvs is an accredited school for children with severe physical disabilities who often require life-sustaining medical treatment throughout the day, that also provides rigorous academics and opportunities for personal growth and leadership. its specialized, accessible setting provides a fully-enriched academic program, therapies, assistive technology and medical supports to students who may otherwise need to receive instruction in their homes or a hospital. most students at hvs use power wheelchairs and augmentative communication technology, and require constant medical supervision. students have a variety of disabilities including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, spina bifida, traumatic brain injury, osteogenesis imperfecta and spinal muscular atrophy. the pre-k through age 21 programs for children with severe disabilities, meets the needs of students through collaboration with school districts, families and the development of iep's.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities


Child (1-12)

Education and Skill Development:

Special Education Services

Healthcare Services:

Rehabilitation Services

201 I U Willets Road
Albertson, NY
Contact Information:

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