The palm beach habilitation center provides supports and services which (continued on sch. o) enable individuals with disabilities to remain active and engaged in their communities. during this fiscal year, 525 individuals with significant disabilities were served by the center. individuals in our supported employment program had a job retention rate of 90% and earned approximately $1.4 million in salaries through their community-based jobs. other support services included: case management, adult day training, and retirement programs for seniors, food service training, computer skills training, work training, and residential services which include group homes and supported living programs. services are provided based on the unique needs of each participant. the center was annexed last year into the village of palm springs, florida. the physical location of the center remains the same, but the address has changes to reflect the annexation of the property by the village.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities


Child (1-12)
Transitional Youth (15-26)

Education and Skill Development:

Adult Education
Special Education Services
Workshops & Trainings

Family and Parenting Support:

Early Childhood Development Programs
Family Support Centers

Recreation and Sports:

Adult Day Programs
Mind and Body Practices
Recreational Games

Palm Beach Habilitation Center Inc
4522 South Congress Avenue
Lake Worth, FL
Contact Information:

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