The rochester school of the holy childhood (the agency) has as its mission preparing children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities for maximum independence and integration in the community through individualized programs and services. the school program is a new york state department of education-certified school providing instruction to students ages 5-21, serving 120 students from over 40 school districts based on each student's individualized education plan (iep). adults are served in multiple settings both campus-based and community-based with an array of clinical, vocational and habilitative services. a suite of employment services focuses on transition to community-based work experiences and competitive employment. the agency's primary revenue sources are the new york state education department, medicaid, the new york state office for people with developmental disabilities and support from the general public.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities


Child (1-12)

Education and Skill Development:

Workshops & Trainings

100 Groton Parkway
Rochester, NY
Contact Information:

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