Ycs is new jersey's premier private non-profit provider of behavioral health and social services to strengthen and support children and families.the soul of ycs lies in its ability to always see the possibilities in each child, to believe that all children are born good and hold within a recoverable, vibrant spirit. whether a child has suffered at the hands of abuse or neglect or simply has special needs that are not being met, ycs offers hope for a promising future to over 3,000 of new jersey's most vulnerable children. the agency's mission is to partner with each child to build a healthy, happy, productive life within families and communities. ycs seeks to fulfill this mission through nearly 100 programs located throughout the state - ranging from foster care and residential safe havens, to special education and autism schools, to family preservation and mentoring programs. ycs is a recognized 501c3 public charity.

Cognitive, Learning, and Neurological Disabilities Type:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Community Development and Social Support:

Service Center for Disabilities


Child (1-12)

Education and Skill Development:

Workshops & Trainings
Special Education Services

284 Broadway
Newark, NJ
Contact Information:

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